Episode Thirty Two - Hey big sister

Christina Lee's sister Gayoun motivates and drives Christina - from the biggest decisions she's made, to her day to day existence.

Gayoun died when Christina was two years old. Here, Christina tells the story of what happened and why Gayoun has been so influential in her life.

Show notes

The sound quality of the interview is not as good as usual - apologies!


Intro and outro music is by ProleteR: April Showers and Don’t Mean a Thing
Interstitial music -

  • Blue Dot Sessions: Palms down, An opus in Bb

  • Cryptic scenery: The glacial age

  • Mr.ruiZ: A rush of blood to the heart

  • Origami Repetika: One Two 3 4

  • Pictures of the Floating World: Death's Head

  • REW: Enceladus

  • Sergey Cheremisinov: To live, Young wind

  • Serge Quadrado: Lazy day, Light emotion,